Welcome to my Blogspot
I started Scrapping at the end of March 2007 while recovering from major abdominal surgery. Now I'm hooked and enjoying every minute of it all. I have made so many friends who have helped me along the way. I have learnt so much and am inspired with each page I see and each comment I receive for my pages.
I hope you get some inspiration from my work

Thanks for visiting and I hope you enjoy my Freebies - Carol

New Products for March 2010


Thursday, 15 May 2008


Well the past couple of weeks have been very busy for me and I have got two new kits with freebie samples for you as well as a Charity Kit.
Firstly the charity kit - FRIENDSHIP
As you all will have heard there was a terrible cyclone in Burma last week and I was in the middle of this kit when I decided to donate all proceeds from it to the Relief Fund.
This is very personal for us as hubby, Pete's family are in Burma. His Mother's cousins live in the affected area and there has been no contact with any of them since that terrible Saturday.
Please keep them in your prayers for us as well as all the other families who have been affected.
This kit is on sale in my stores for $4 and all proceeds will go to the Fund. As proof I will be asking the charity for proof of my payment so i can show you all.
You will also notice that there is another kit for the Burma Relief Fund
This is SUMMER SUN and has been kindly donated by my bestest friend Snowraven.
The kit is available for $3.99 at her store at Scraphead

This kit is one of my newest kits and has a freebie available for you.
I saw this gorgeous butterfly brooch one day and decided to make the kit from that. So the idea was there and the kit was made!
In shades of lilac and white with amethyst effect in the flowers, butterfly, borders and charms
Available in my stores for $3.00

click on image to download freebie

The second kit is another in the series along with TRANQUILITY
Done in shades of peaceful blue and white
Available in my stores for $3.00

click on image to download freebie

1 comment:

Snowy said...

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